I have always had a liking for swimming and in many occasions during swimming exams at school I have achieved good marks for speed, but I soon realized that I lacked some technique whenever I swam. For this reason I considered on getting weekly practice at a swimming pool complex on my neighborhood. My main aim was to both improve my technique when swimming in order to maximize my resistance to both improve my performance at school tests and to improve my own health. I learned perseverance and commitment to my goal, which meant that I had to constantly push myself to improve the way I swam and to swim for long periods of time. Usually I would swim for 1 hour weekly in this activity, but towards the end of it I began to push myself harder, sometimes swimming for durations of 2 hours and a half.

This amount of time may not sound as much, but personally it was a challenge for me as I had to focus on finding ways on how to improve my breathing and technique to avoid from tiring myself quickly. Another quality that I got from this experience was a certain degree of responsibility of getting to the practices on time and on talking with my supervisor concerning the practices. In the end of the whole activity, I found that I achieved both aims of improving my technique and my own health, which is why I consider that it was a very useful experience that I would like to repeat in the future.

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